05 May 2024
The structure of your thesis: We list all the components
Writing a thesis is an essential component of your studies. To streamline the thesis process, it is helpful to adopt a clear and organized approach from the outset. The structure of your thesis acts as a roadmap for your writing journey. In this article, we offer guidance on establishing a concise structure by outlining all the recommended chapters and sections in a logical order. Furthermore, each chapter and section provides detailed explanations regarding the necessary content.

Title page:
Your title page is just like an exciting book; it invites you to read. Include the following items on the title page:
- The title of your thesis.
- Add any subtitle.
- State your name as author.
- Indicate the name of your supervisor(s).
- Make a note of the date when you hand it in.
Some courses also ask you to state your course and student number on the title page.
In your foreword or preface, you can explain, among other things, why you chose this specific topic and what experiences you gained during the writing process. It is also an opportunity to express appreciation to everyone who contributed to the realization of your thesis.
Acknowledgments (optional)
The acknowledgement section provides you with the opportunity to express gratitude to all those who have contributed to the completion of your thesis. Our suggestion is to include a word of thanks in the preface. However, if you wish to express gratitude to a larger number of individuals, the acknowledgements section may be a more appropriate choice. This is commonly seen when writing a dissertation.
Summary (Abstract)
In your summary, you should provide a concise overview of your thesis, limiting it to a maximum of 1 A4 page. The purpose of the summary is to help the reader determine if your thesis is worth reading, so it is important to introduce the topic directly in the opening sentence. The summary should be a concise representation of your thesis. In this overview, you will answer five crucial questions briefly and concisely:
- What is the subject of your research?
- How has the subject been researched (with what methods)?
- What are the main results of your research?
- What is the answer to your main question, or your conclusion?
- What implications does this have for any further research and/or what recommendations can be made?
Are you writing an abstract? You can find tips for your abstract here.
Table of contents
Please provide an overview of all chapters, sections, and subsections, and indicate the page numbers for easy navigation through your thesis.
Figures and tables list (optional)
The figures and tables list gives an overview of all the images and tables that are used in your thesis. By utilizing the “Insert Caption” functionality in Word, you can generate this list automatically. It is recommended to include a list of figures and tables if you have included a substantial number of images or tables in your thesis. This helps in keeping your thesis well-organized.
In the introduction, it is important to introduce the topic and explain its relevance. It is also necessary to state the research question and hypotheses, and provide a brief overview of the methodology that will be used.
Theoretical framework
In your theoretical framework, you should discuss all the relevant literature to place your topic (and research) in the right context. Identify the gaps in the literature that you will include in your research. To write your theoretical framework, start by conducting a literature search.
Research methodology
Here, you will provide detailed explanations of the methods employed for data collection. Additionally, you will provide justifications for the choices made.
In this chapter, you will present collected data in a structured manner. Utilize tables, graphs, or other visual aids to provide clarity.
In your discussion, you analyze and interpret the results in relation to your research question. You compare your findings with the existing literature. Additionally, you discuss any limitations and provide suggestions for future research.
In your conclusion, you should summarize the most significant findings and emphasize the relevance of your research.
In this chapter, you will formulate practical recommendations based on your findings. Please ensure that your recommendations also include specific suggestions for further research.
In your bibliography, arrange all sources you have consulted in accordance with the appropriate citation style.
Finally, also make sure to review the requirements as stated by your study program
It is important to emphasize that the specific requirements and guidelines for the structure of your thesis may vary depending on your course. Therefore, always refer to the graduation manual of your program to confirm which sections should be included in your thesis. This ensures that your structure always adheres to the specific requirements of your study.
Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.
Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.