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06 May 2024

A handy framework for your customer analysis: Ferrel’s 6W model

You can utilize the 6W model when conducting a marketing analysis for your Marketing thesis or Communication thesis. Additionally, this model can be employed for problem analysis in your research proposal, enabling you to interview your client and gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s challenges. We strongly advise conducting initial research and fully comprehending your client’s problem, with the 6W model serving as an ideal tool for this purpose. In this article, we will discuss Ferrel’s 6W model and provide you with tips on how to effectively implement it in your thesis.

A handy framework for your customer analysis Ferrels 6 W model
This article was written by:

Linda Hovestad

Why use Ferrel’s 6W model for my thesis?

Ferrel’s 6W model can be applied to your thesis in various ways, depending on the topic and context of your research. Here, we mention some of the applications:

  • The 6W model is often employed in problem analysis within your thesis. You can use the model to analyze and comprehend the problem in detail.
  • Additionally, the model can be utilized for conducting customer analysis. For instance, if you are writing a marketing or Communication thesis, you can employ the model in the strategic marketing plan, which includes the ABCD analysis: customer analysis, industry analysis, competitive analysis, and distribution analysis. For the customer analysis part, you can gather insights on demographic characteristics and behavioral traits. Inputs from customer conversations with sales or customer service/helpdesk can be used, and the customer journey is often documented within this section. The 6W model assists in clearly defining the target audience for your research in advance - who will be involved in your research and what problem are you addressing?
  • Furthermore, the 6Ws can be used to provide recommendations to your client. By gaining insight into the desires and needs of the customers (users of your product or service), you can better understand the potential buyers or customers of an organization. This helps determine the extent to which the current offerings of the organization align with customer preferences, or if a product, service, or proposition needs refinement.

Is it the 5W model or 6W model?

If you search on Google, you will find both the 5W and 6W models. Regarding the 5W model, it provides answers to the following questions:

  • Who are the current and potential customers?
  • What are the customers doing with the products?
  • Where are customers buying the products?
  • When are customers buying the products?
  • Why (and how) are customers selecting the products?

The 6W model is actually an extension of the 5W model that includes the reason why customers do not make purchases.

  • Why don’t potential customers purchase the products?

This last question often offers insight into the problem you wish to solve with your plan. That’s why it’s crucial, and it’s also a question that your client often cannot answer directly.

How do you use Ferrel’s 6W model?

The 6W model is quite abstract. Before you begin having exploratory conversations and conducting desk research, it is a good idea to consider which in-depth questions you can ask for each W. We have provided a few sample questions below.

Who are the current and potential customers?

  • This question provides valuable insights into an organization’s existing and prospective customers. You can inquire about:
  • Who are the customers exactly? Are they business customers or consumers?
  • How does the organization segment its customers precisely, taking into consideration demographic characteristics and possibly lifestyle characteristics?
  • Which specific products and services do these customers purchase?
  • How do customers come into contact with the organization?
  • Who initiates the purchase?
  • Who ultimately makes the final decision?

What do current and potential customers do with the products and/or services?

In this phase, you primarily seek insight into the organization’s value proposition and how well it aligns with customers’ expectations. It is also essential to gather information about the usage of products and services. You may ask questions such as:

  • Which products and services are being purchased?
  • Are these one-time purchases or recurring purchases?
  • Do these customers buy one product or service or do they use multiple products and services?
  • What do you know about the actual usage? Are the customers satisfied? What do they appreciate and what do they not appreciate?

Where do current and potential customers purchase the products and services?

This question is important because it provides insight into how customers are attracted to your client’s organization. It not only helps understand the online presence of your client but also provides information about their competitors and whether they are performing better in this aspect. You can ask questions such as: “How do customers find and engage with your organization online?”

  • How do customers get in touch with your products or services?
  • Is the online channel important for purchasing these products or services?
  • Where else do these customers make purchases?
  • Are the products and services sold directly or through intermediaries?

When will current and potential customers buy the product?

This question primarily gives insight into when your customers make purchases, which is also crucial because each customer follows a different pattern. For instance, one customer may use their smartphone to browse in the morning and then place orders from their desktop once they are in the office, whereas another customer may prefer to use their tablet in the evening. Some questions you can ask include:

  • When are your customers online?
  • Do you observe certain promotions being effective?
  • Do seasonal factors impact purchasing decisions?

Why do current and potential customers buy from this organization?

This question offers insight into the reasons behind your customers’ purchases. Why do your customers choose to buy from you? What aspects of your organization are you excelling at? Some possible questions to ask could include:

  • How do your customers rate your products and services?
  • What benefits do your organization’s products and services offer?
  • Which customer needs do you respond to?

Why don’t current and potential customers buy from this organization?

  • What do customers say if they don’t buy from you?
  • Which competitors do you have and what do they offer, and what are they perhaps better at?
  • Are there certain wishes and needs that you are not yet responding to?

Using Ferrel’s 6W model with your customer analysis

Ferrel’s 6W model helps to gain insight into an organization’s current and potential customers. By asking questions carefully, you can often understand why something is not working. This method combines desk research, where you analyze internal sources and competitors, with conversations within the organization and with existing and potential customers. Ultimately, all this information should provide a clear understanding of the customers, their specific needs, how the organization responds, and areas for improvement or untapped opportunities. Therefore, it is a highly valuable method to gain insight into your current position.

Need help with your problem analysis? Request a free consultation!

Are you currently working on your research proposal or thesis and struggling to understand your client’s problem? The 6W model is a helpful tool, and sometimes it can be beneficial to brainstorm with someone outside of your context but who still understands it. At Jouw Scriptiecoach, you can explore different perspectives together with an experienced thesis coach and then clearly document your problem analysis and problem definition. We are also available to assist you with other aspects of your research. If you are considering seeking help, please don’t hesitate to request a free consultation, during which we will gladly explain how we can assist you.

Contact Jouw Scriptiecoach if you need immediate help with your thesis.

Do you need immediate help with your thesis? Then request a free consultation now. During the consultation, we look at how best we can help you and which supervisor would be most suitable for your subject. You’ll also receive an immediate estimate of the number of hours we’ll need to get you across the finish line. Then you can easily purchase the hours online, and once the payment has gone through, we immediately connect you to your thesis supervisor. They’ll contact you quickly (often on the same day) so that you can get back to working on your thesis as soon as possible.
