Request a second opinion
Are you seeking a second opinion or in need of a thorough review? Are you facing conflicts with your trainer and contemplating mediation? Numerous HBO and WO students often seek an unbiased opinion on their action plans, research reports, theses, or other study-related documents. Maybe you require guidance on procedures or assistance from your educational institution, or perhaps you have doubts about certain documents and are seeking additional certainty.

Rejected thesis? Consider a second opinion
After all the hard work you have put into the writing process, it is understandably disappointing to hear that your thesis has been rejected. However, do not give up! Just because your thesis has been deemed insufficient does not mean it is the end. It is possible that your thesis has been mistakenly rejected and with assistance, it can often be improved rapidly.
Many students approach Jouw Scriptiecoach for a second opinion on their studies or thesis. Assessments can sometimes be subjective, and the criteria and their application are not always clear. Procedural errors can also occur. As a student, you have specific rights, and guidance and assessments must meet specific requirements as stated in the examination regulations.
Do you want to know why your thesis was rejected? Was the assessment justified? Or how can you improve your thesis? Have your thesis assessed immediately by a professional from Jouw Scriptiecoach. We will help you so that you can receive your diploma as quickly as possible.
How does a second opinion work for a rejected thesis?
Your thesis has been rejected, but why exactly? Perhaps the common thread is missing or your story is not logically structured, your research is not valid or reliable, or you have not adequately answered the research question. It may also be that you are not satisfied with the procedures or guidance during the writing process, or that the assessment differs from that of your thesis coach.
With a second opinion, we analyze where the bottlenecks are. Is it solely a matter of properly processing feedback for a passing grade, or have there also been formal errors? Do you possess all the essential information needed to revise your thesis? We conduct an objective evaluation of your research proposal, action plan, or thesis based on the assessment criteria of your program. In order to do this, we thoroughly examine your document and compare it with the assessment form (which includes feedback from your assessment). If your thesis has been unjustly rejected, we can prepare a professional report that can assist you in submitting an objection.

Would you like to request a second opinion right away?
Would you like to request a second opinion? If so, please send us the official assessment document, your complete thesis, the Rules and Guidelines of the Examination Board, and the OER. Based on this information, we can prepare a quote and discuss the available options. Rest assured that we maintain strict confidentiality and do not communicate with third parties or your educational institution.